the MINIMALIST Program


12 Weeks long prior to any Deload or testing but you have testing Days built into your final wave so you can re-run this program easily. It is a Self Regulating Linear modality and is built for people who have other responsibilities/passions in life other than just lifting.

Maybe you participate in another sport, just had a baby, started a new career, have a sick parent or a tough semester at school and lifting just needs to take a step back for a period of time. This program allows you to focus on what is most important in life as well as lifting without either suffering horribly.

With each workout (4x a week) only lasting 30-50 minutes, This program cuts it down to ALL the bare essentials you NEED to make great progress - so you can get in the gym, work hard and get back out in the shortest and most efficient way possible.

You will need access to at least 1 Barbell and a way to squat, Bench, Deadlift, Overhead Press, Pull-up & Potently a band if you are training at home and do not have a cable machine.

If you love lifting, but love other things too, then you can have the best of both worlds with this one!

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