
12 Weeks of Conjugate Programming - OUR #1 Program for building the most static strength as fast as possible!

NEVERsate CONJUGATE has a very straight forward design where each week you will find 2 Maximum Effort Days and 2 Dynamic Effort Speed Days.

Your Maximum Effort Sessions will also have a Volume portion and Both the ME and Dynamic Effort Days have an Assistance section and a bodyweight conditioning so you will never walk out of the gym feeling like you should have done more.

This program self regulates based off of how you feel each time you walk in the gym since there are no set percentages required each workout. It is scheduled for 4x a week with each session lasting right around 60 minutes.

To run this program you will need basic gym equipment (Rack, Barbells, Dumbbells, etc) but you DO NOT need Bands or Chains despite the DARKHORSE’s conjugate base. If you Do have Bands or Chains and know how to set them up for accommodating resistance, then they will GREATLY improve the results you will see from this. But again, they are not necessary.

If you need help Setting up bands or Chains, you can find my videos explaining how to by searching “Brian Alsruhe Bands” on Youtube.

You are going to love this one and NOTHING else has worked better for Brian or his athletes for pure strength, FAST!

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